Friday, September 29, 2006

From: Heather

I was dating this guy (Mark) who would be best described as being, "A very shady character". In the beginning of our relashionship my XX-bf (Greg) kept coming around my apartment late at night and told Mark I was cheating on him w/him - which I wasn't- so this caused Mark to be insecure from the get go. Not that it's any excuse but due to this and the fact that he's a dumbass he felt he needed to get revenge on me --while we were still together,of course. It got to the point where he'd come over (drunk & possibly high) really late after being out or he would not answer his phone several nights a week (at all) ...or he'd only call me from a payphone- go figure. It got pretty clear this guy was up to Y.K.W. But I was in denial because I hate to say it but I could hardly believe this guy would ever cheat on me because I was way outta his reach to begin with. I really think it was all due to the bad start we had- I actually really hurt him - unintenionally..and he felt he couldn't trust me...which he really could.

Anyway, to make a long story short I posted an ad with his phone number asking people online to call him about the free firewood he's advertising- I asked people to be really rude and ask q's like- Is your wood hard? Is it dry/wet?How long is it? When can I get it? Always just referring to it as "WOOD"-- Hopefully, guys will call too.

Also, I've always suspected he's a drug dealer/addict but have never been able to catch him and I know he'd refuse to change his cell number so he'll get stuck with these crazy calls..I plan on doing this again in the future..but I'll wait a few months. Make him wonder. I have quite a few plans to sabotage this guy. He lives in a small town and knows everyone according to him. He even went as far as never inviting me into his house- the entire time we dated(over a yr)- If I ever showed up to see him he wouldn't even come out but yet the next day he'd call me from someother location asking for me to come get him so he could come over-usually I didn't..He'd claim he didn't hear me knock or whatever..

BTW- this looser has a broken down car- that's why I'd have to pick him up... I'm almost convinced that he had some girl living with him or some Crack * that had no place to go..Who knows.. One time he had the balls to call the cops on me for just knocking on his door the same day we ***** together. I told the cop he's on something and I'd just dropped him off that morning from "sleeping" at my place the night prior--told them they should search his house for drugs but they didn't .....I think i'm going to report him anonomously to the drug detectives in our area- they will actually get a warrant and check him and his place out. Also, one time when he slept over the next am before we were leaving I cleaned my toilet with his toothbrush - then watched as he brushed his teeth. If anyone has any ideas on what else to do with this looser please post a response in the user forums. Hope my "Firewood" idea will piss one of your crazy ex-boyfriends. I think women should stick together.

From: MakeHimPay

I once super glued enlarged naked pictures of myself and my boyfriend to his front door in the middle of the night when I knew he had his ex inside. I'm sure he was telling her that he wasn't with me anymore and he missed her blah blah blah (Sure because I heard him say it to me before...yuck!). The pictures didn't show my face, only his!

Obviously he had a big problem the next morning when they walked outside the front door and were greeted with his...well, you get the picture. It must have taken a good few intense moments to scrape the 20 something pictures off the door. After all, they did have all night to dry into some kind of super-cemented, blown-up pornographic door billboard! Not to mention the countless other copies that were scattered down his walkway.

From: better-off-without-him!

To keep it short, my ex has a pretty awful temper and thats why we got the hell away. After I left him he was ordered to pay maintenance for the kids but he didn't make it easy lying about his income. Some time later he did pay for two months, then the third was stopped by him two days after it had been in my account leaving me in debt to my bank and I was so peed off.

My bank sent me the cheque back with a big red stamp on it declaring it cancelled and said I had a right to send it to his bank for an explanation. As I threw it in the bin I had a creative flash and fished it out, smoothed it out and glued it to a piece of fresh white card. I then set about making it look like a card Cheque-in-the-post postcard, available from all Bulshizen Builders etc and it looked prety darn good if I say so myself. I addressed it to the bank manager thinking the staff may have a good laugh and chuck it in the bin. I explained I understood the cheque had to be cancelled due to my ex having to pay all his drug dealers and mortgages and could therefore not possibly afford to pay his children any maintenance.

I felt sick after I posted it wishing I hadn't and afraid of the repercussions but heard nothing for two whole years by which time I had forgotten all about it! Then out of the blue I heard ex's voice on the phone one sunny day shouting madly several times over "You F*** B***". "Huh?" I said. Still ranting hysterically he said "I went for a mortgage for another house today and do you know what the bank manager pulled out of his drawer your ****g postcard, B***." Well did I bloody laugh out loud, I hadn't laughed so much for ages and it felt good. "So did you get the mortgage then?" (just to rub it in!) "What the **** do you think you ****g b****!" More laughter from me as I put the phone down on him and laughed some more, now he can stick his maintenance where his ego is!

From: Brittany

When my boyfriend split up with me I was upset. I got even more mad when he started going out with my sister! I had a thirst for revenge so I talked to all my friends and we made up a plan that we would get my ex to think that my sister was using him, that she never really liked him. So we got Beths hand writing and password to her computer. We even got her signiture! So we put a diary entry on her computer that looked like my sister wrote it. It was talking about how she planned to make him think she liked him to get him to break up with me and all this other junk. We put my sisters sig on it printeded it and gave it to my ex. He believed it and broke up with her. He wanted to get back together with me but I said "Nope. I dont date stupid people!".

From: Shelley

Boy oh boy I haven't thought of good ole jimmy in a long while. Let's see, I guess I will start the story with the fact that we were dating for 3 and a half years, but he had another girlfriend in another city for all of those three years. So one day I found out about her, found out everyone but me knew and decided to exact my revenge.

I went to his home one last time and stole his cat(the cat I got him and help lovingly raised). For the next 9 months I took this cat everywhere and would take pictures of the cat in the various places. On the back of each picture I put a whole little story about how much I (the kitty) missed him and how I would of enjoyed the trip way more if I (the kitty) had had him with me(again speaking as the kitty). I carried this out for months with him trying to catch me at local spot that the kitty and I frequented. Finally I took the cat to a local cemetary where I placed it on top of the tombstone with a little noose around his neck(do n't worry I didn't kill the little guy)and took a picture. On the back of the final picture I wrote"Dear dad, It is too bad that you are such an asshole and I have to be persecuted for your sins, but alas I must tell you good-bye. Till we meet in the litter box in the sky, Insert cats name. Needless to say the guy went crazy, I moved and now the kitty and myself are happy, happy , happy.

P.S. This was 7 years ago and I am married to a great guy that loves not only me, but my aging kitty.